
24Jun, 2018

Mantras of Spring

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A mantra can be a powerful force for a person. Whether you are well-versed in Eastern teachings or not, you most likely have heard of mantras before. Etymologically, the word is a combination of the Sanskrit words meaning “to think” and “tool.” Literally speaking, the word refers to a tool used with your thoughts. By repeating or focusing on a particular mantra, the idea is to lose yourself in the word, phrase, or sound. A very popular example of a mantra used during many yoga classes is Om.  

According to various Hindu teachings, Om is the source from which all other mantras arise. By using this word to inform your movements while in a yoga class, you are able to concentrate on the flow of your breath and not allow your thoughts to interfere with your body. While Om makes for a great place to get familiarized with mantras, you also might want to dig a bit deeper. With spring in full force, now is a great time to think about what mantras can help you take advantage of the season and feel renewed.

Pleasant and Empowering Phrases

A mantra does not always need to be a steady sound or simple word. In fact, many modern schools of thought suggest using comforting phrases that inspire or empower an individual. Spring is a season of new life and possibility, meaning there are a ton of different mantras in this style you can explore. For example, you might want to enter this season feeling like you are going to learn from the mistakes of your past and make better choices moving forward. A simple mantra for this could be, “I accept my past mistakes and will learn from them.”

The mantra does not have to be anything clever. You are not trying to write a poem or share a status on Facebook. All you have to do is think about an intention, goal, or desire. Distill the idea to its simplest form and find a way to phrase it that makes it easy to repeat. When you want to feel more confident, you might want to create a mantra along the lines of “I can face the challenges today will bring.” By repeating the thought to yourself, you are likely to find yourself calm and focused.

Consequence of Sound

Using basic phrases can help to introduce you to the concept of a mantra. Still, it is important to remember a mantra can be much simpler and even more effective. The act of creating a sound is as important in a mantra as the content of the sound being generated. In the example of Om, the word is meant to center the mind while also flowing through the body and connecting the spirit to the whole of the universe. It can sound a bit too abstract for some, but there is a method to all of it.

The entire universe is composed of molecules interacting with molecules. Sound is predominantly a vibration of particles. These vibrations can have both positive and negative effects. The purr of the common cat occurs at such a specific frequency that veterinary scientists believe the sound is meant to increase the cat’s ability to heal and recharge. Conversely, under the right conditions, sound waves can cause destruction to solid structures. This is evidenced best in old jokes where singers break glass with their voices. The power of sound should definitely be taken to heart when developing a sensible mantra for spring.

Spring Into Action 

Creating a mantra for the spring can be a fantastic way to center your mind and feel ready to face whatever the season will bring. Find a mantra that feels right to you and use it whenever you need it.

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