
05Jan, 2013

Interfaith Minister Training: New Years

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comment

2013, Universal Life Church, celebrationIt is easy to forget living in the West that New Year’s does not happen at the same time for everyone. Different cultures and religions celebrate the New Year on different dates than January 1. Interfaith ministers of the Universal Life Church can better serve the public by knowing a little bit about how various faiths approach New Year celebrations.

It is assumed that to be ordained as an Interfaith Minister of the Universal Life Church means that one becomes an expert on all faiths. It could take a lifetime to achieve an understanding of all aspects of various faiths, but New Years celebrations happen annually and are therefore one of the most important traditions to learn about.


The Gregorian calender marks January 1st as New Years Day. Many people sing Auld Lang Syne on New Year’s Eve. The image of a baby is prominent on New Year’s as a symbol of rebirth. Some people believe that what one eats on New Year’s Day affects how their year will go. Some Christians follow the tradition of first-footing and are visited by a tall, dark-haired man.

Most people make New Year’s resolutions for what they want to accomplish in the coming year. To be ordained as an Interfaith Minister at a Universal Life Church is an example of a possible New Year’s resolution. Losing weight and getting in shape are popular resolutions.


The date of the Hindu New Year varies in different places. People in western India may celebrate the New Year toward the end of October during the Hindu festival of Diwali. The Diwalian New Year is often celebrated by lighting oil lamps in western India, wearing flowers in northern India, or putting small gifts and food on a special tray for children, which is usually done by mothers. Children must keep their eyes closed until led to the special tray on the morning of the New Year.

Some Hindus may also celebrate the Tamil New Year, Bengali New Year, or Maharahtra New Year. The Marwari New Year is on the first day of Diwali while the Gujarati New Year is on the day after Diwali ends. The Nepal New Year i son the fourth day of Diwali. Diwali lasts five days and begins on a different day each year because it does not follow the Georgian calender.


Islam has its own calender based on 354 days, which causes the New Year to move backwards in date on the Gregorian calender by 11 days annually. Most Muslims celebrate the New Year with a more solemn approach than other faiths.

Some Islamic New Year traditions include recounting the story of the Flight of Medina, going to mosque, and saying prayers. However, an Interfaith Minister who is going to be ordained in Egypt should be prepared for more festive Islamic New Year’s celebrations.


Sikhs celebration New Years with the Baisakhi Festival, which takes place on April 13 or 14. Many people wake up early and go to gurudwaras for prayer. Some people have their holy books cleansed with water and milk.

The holy scripture is read, devotional songs are sung, and people eat a vegetarian meal. Dancing and singing is sometimes done.


The Jewish New Year is on Rosh Hashanah. In the northern hemisphere, this usually occurs in early fall. The celebration is two days long, though technically it begins on sundown one day and lasts until sundown the next day, so it is one 24-hour period. It is believed to mark the anniversary of the day God created Adam and Eve.

People of the Jewish faith often celebration by saying Shanah Tovah and eating special foods, like apples with honey. Religious poems are read and a special prayer book call the mahzor is used. Some people through stones or bread into water to symbolize casting off sins.


Different types of Buddhism celebrate the New Year on various days. Theravada Buddhists usually celebrate in April. Mahayana Buddhists celebrate in January. Tibetan Buddhists have their New Year in March.

People pray to Buddha on the New Year and light candles. Many people bathe their Buddha statues. Some people sing songs dedicate to Buddhist deities. Buddhists seek to identify and rectify mistakes on the New Year.

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